Creative Thinker's Exercise Book
By enhancing your ability to identify connections, you can enhance your creativity. This exercise book strengthens your ability to recognise connections. The exercises are based on the theory of the book The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker, as well as observations in neuroscience, and seventy years of creativity studies.
This exercise book is based on a dynamic balance of theory, technique, and exercises, it's a practical hands-on workbook. It's the perfect outlet to get your hands dirty and dive into exercises that strengthen one's ability to see and make connections.
- Paperback | 112 pages
- 187 x 240 x 10.16mm | 421.84g
- 14 Feb 2017
- BIS Publishers B.V.
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- English
- durchgehend farbig illustriert
- 9063694385
- 9789063694388