Collection: Offices
Office construction is one of the largest building tasks today. Architects and designers face the challenge of creating buildings and spaces that are functional yet stylish. This title presents 170 of the most interesting office projects of the past years, which range from small-scale two-roomed offices to vast corporate buildings that comprise more than 100 stories. Open-plan offices, single-roomed bureaus, group offices, office landscapes as well as new concepts such as just-in-time-offices and business clubs are presented in a variety of combinations. Striking photos and illustrations convey innovative design solutions that give new definitions to workplaces.
Product details
- Hardback | 512 pages
- 250 x 290 x 60.96mm | 3,900g
- 16 Jul 2010
- Braun Publishing AG
- Salenstein, Switzerland
- English
- Bilingual edition
- Bilingual
- Illustrated in colour throughout, with architectural plans and drawings
- 3037680504
- 9783037680506