Teaching Graphic Design : Course Offerings and Class Projects from the Leading Graduate and Undergraduate Programs
More Than Sixty Course Syllabi That Bring the New Complexity of Graphic Design to Light
All graphic designers teach, yet not all graphic designers are teachers. Teaching is a special skill requiring talent, instinct, passion, and organization. But while talent, instinct, and passion are inherent, organization must be acquired and can usually be found in a syllabus. Teaching Graphic Design, Second Edition, contains syllabi that are for all practicing designers and design educators who want to enhance their teaching skills and learn how experienced instructors and professors teach varied tools and impart the knowledge needed to be a designer in the current environment.
Product details
- Paperback | 312 pages
- 152 x 229 x 20mm | 590g
- 05 Oct 2017
- Skyhorse Publishing
- Allworth Press,U.S.
- New York, United States
- English
- 2nd edition
- 1621536106
- 9781621536109